Written by: Ranti

The Science of Emotional Regulation, Learning, and EdTech for Children

In the realm of education, understanding the connection between emotional regulation, learning, and educational technology (EdTech) is essential for those involved in the education of young children. Here, I will be drawing upon research …
By Ranti
August 7, 2023

TikTok’s Use of GANs for Face Filters

Forget COVID masks there is a new type of mask that is being worn by multiple faces around the world In the realm of social media, TikTok has emerged as a powerhouse, captivating users …
By Ranti
June 23, 2023

Caches: Maximising CPU Efficiency: The Power of Caches

In the fast-paced world of computing, speed is paramount. The central processing unit (CPU) can execute instructions at an astonishing rate, with modern processors reaching speeds of up to 3 gigahertz (3 billion cycles …
By Ranti
April 28, 2023

Back to Assembly Language: Demystifying Data Access with Addressing Modes

Accessing data efficiently is a crucial aspect of programming, and it's facilitated by understanding various addressing modes. Here, I'll explore some of the different methods to access data, including absolute addressing, pointers, pointer+offset, and …
By Ranti
March 21, 2023

x86-64 Guide Notes

PC consists of processor, memory, registers Registers are processor components that hold data and addresses To execute a programme, the system copies data from the external device into the internal memory. The processor executes …
By Ranti
March 10, 2023

IEEE Floating Point numbers (Part 3) + Assembly Language

Diagram showing the sign, exponent and mantissa represented as fields in the IEEE 32-bit notation $$\text{If } N = -1.011 \times 2^{15}$$ $$\text{SIGN BIT: } 1$$ $$\text{EXPONENT BITS: } 15 + 127 = 142 …
By Ranti
March 9, 2023

Bitwise Operations

Programmers write code in a high level language and the compiler converts it into assembly code and the assembler converts it into machine code Programming languages are byte-oriented but hardware is bit-oriented C provides …
By Ranti
March 6, 2023

32-bit IEEE Floating Point Numbers (Part 2)

1 bit = Sign 8 bit = Exponent with a bias of 127 23 bit = Mantissa (the 1 before the point is implicit) Diagram showing the sign, exponent and mantissa represented as fields …
By Ranti
March 6, 2023

IEEE Floating Point Numbers

This is the standard representation for floating point numbers in computers.It is called a floating point because there are different number of digits after the decimal point. The computers way of approximating floating point …
By Ranti
March 2, 2023

Generating all the sub-arrays of an array

Pre-requisite knowledge Arrays Arrays are fundamental data structures in computer science, providing a convenient way to store and manipulate collections of elements. A sub-array is any contiguous block of an array. A contiguous block …
By Ranti
February 10, 2023