Coding Diary: JavaScript Learning Log 4

By Ranti
February 8, 2023
2 min read

Coding diary to reflect concepts that I am learning and revisiting

Asynchronous callback functions like setTimeout are functions that don't run immediately but sometime in the future

For example

setTimeout(() => {
	console.log("One second later")
}, 1000);
setTimeout(() => {
	// code
}, milliseconds);

JavaScript always runs top to bottom. So even when an asynchronous callback function runs it means that there is a delay. It is "queued up" for the future.

setTimeout(() => {
	console.log("I'm next!")
}, 1000);
console.log("No, I want to be next! You're delayed");

Output order:

No, I want to be next! You're delayed
I'm next (shows up one second later)

  • The success callback is an asynchronous callback that will run when the function has finished its task
  • Callbacks exist for perfomance reasons it allows other pieces of code and schedule other pieces of code for the future

Examples of callback functions in use:

import {welcome} from "./helpers.js";

 * @param {string} name
const sayHello = (name) => {
    welcome(name, () => {
// sayHello("Jim");
  • Here the function welcome accepts a parameter called "name"
  • The function welcome() will be executed after which it will print "Finished!"

welcomeUser("Sam", () => {
    console.log("Done welcoming user");

Concepts Reviewed

  • Setters and getters
  • Method chaining with return this
  • Callback functions